Selected Recent Inquiries

These records show edited logs of selected conversations between our customers and AccuraScience data analysis teams from the early days of our operation (between 2014 and 2016). The content is somewhat outdated because bioinformatics has advanced significantly in recent years. However, these logs may still provide an idea of how we communicate with researchers and assist them with their bioinformatics projects. We have made every effort to protect the privacy of our customers: only conversations that do not involve sensitive content have been selected, and any information that could potentially reveal the identities of customers has been edited out.

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Assembling WGS data for marker identification (4/18/2016)

Genome assembly with PacBio data (4/17/2016)

Statistical considerations for metabolomics data analysis (4/4/2016)

RNA-seq analysis pipeline focusing on long ncRNAs (3/11/2016)

Whole-genome sequencing analysis options for human samples (2/6/2016)

Homology-based search vs. pattern-based search (1/5/2016)

"Advanced" Analysis Options for miRNA-Seq Data (12/23/2015)

Identifying Structural Changes in Genome with Short-Read Sequencing Data (12/12/2015)

A Biomarker or Classification Modeling Project (11/7/2015)

Variant Calling Using RNA-seq Data, and Splice Isoform Analysis (11/2/2015)

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