16s rDNA Data Analysis (1/25/2015)

Wed, Feb 4, 2015

Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:20 AM

Customer: We have an Ion Torrent (Life Technologies) that we have used to analyze V1-V2 region from the 16S rRNA gene in wastewater samples. Customized primers were designed and adpators and barcodes were included at the end of the sequences. Could you tell us if your company can perform the analysis on this data?

Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 9:39 AM

AccuraScience LB: There are two broad goals people have when doing 16s rDNA sequencing: (1) to evaluate taxonomic compositions of the microbiomes and compare across samples, and (2) to get a understanding of the functional difference in the microbiomes, often with a focus on a particular metabolic pathway - though some also ask about a comprehensive view for multiple metabolic pathways. Goal (2) had, in the past, been hard to accomplish with 16s rDNA data alone (and would instead require shot-gun metagenomics data), but a recent approach named PICRUSt has proven effective in exploring functional analysis using solely 16s rDNA data.

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Note: LB stands for Lead Bioinformatician. An AccuraScience LB is a senior bioinformatics expert and leader of an AccuraScience data analysis team.

Disclaimer: This text was selected and edited based on genuine communications that took place between a customer and AccuraScience data analysis team at specified dates and times. The editing was made to protect the customer’s privacy and for brevity. The edited text may or may not have been reviewed and approved by the customer. AccuraScience is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information reflected in this text.